TE REO Matatini
The language is the life force of Māori
Through being spoken
the language lives
Through the survival of the language
Māori are enobled
Māori language is the vehicle for Māori cultural practices and thought, enabling the manifestation of all aspects of the Māori world. The Māori language is an inherited treasure, a treasure supported by the Treaty of Waitangi. Language is the essence of culture. Each person, each tribal group, each region has its own language, mana, spirituality, beliefs and customs. Ultimately it is through Māori language that the full range of Māori customs can be expressed, practised, and explained. Through the learner knowing Māori language, they can access the Māori world and understand their role in it. Being immersed in Māori leads the learner to greater proficiency. In this approach the Māori language is also the medium of instruction for all learning areas. While the vocabulary and language of this curriculum has been standardised (for ease of reading), dialectal variation is encouraged.
Outlined here are some language aspirations through which the learner will gain competence in Māori language and the Māori world.
The Learner Achieves their Māori Language Potential
• can use their language in a range of settings, and for a wide range of purposes, issues, and audiences;
• is able to adapt their language to suit the context and audience;
• communicates easily, regardless of who they are speaking with, or which tribal dialect is used;
• develops good listening skills making speaking, writing, presenting and viewing easier.
The Learner Attains High Educational Levels through Māori Language
• can use their language skills in a wide range of contexts;
• can carry themselves with ease, confidence and competence through the medium of Māori language;
• has acquired the academic language of each learning area to understand the depth of a subject.
The Learner Achieves their Linguistic Potential
• is competent in Māori and English, and a third language if desired by the whānau.